movies · My Favourite Movie

Shawshank Redemption (1994): My Favourite Movie #4

Based on the novella by Stephen King, Shawshank Redemption tells the story of banker Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) who is convicted for the alleged murder of his wife who was cheating on him. Although he is innocent, he is sentenced for life in Shawshank.


October Horror Movie Haul: Carrie (1976)

The beginning of Stephen King’s incomparable contribution to Hollywood and Brian De Palma’s direction, Carrie is a movie worth its fame. The story revolves around a heavily bullied high schooler named Carrie White. She is taunted and teased by other girls and has no peace at home where she has to face an obnoxiously fanatic mother. She gets her first period and having heard nothing of that from her mother, she freaks out in her school shower room and has to face humiliation before getting saved by her kind gym teacher. This is how hard life is for Carrie.